Customer Resources


24-hour Emergency Response 800.645.8265
Online Drum Disposal Scheduling Login
Drum Waste Disposal Order Placement
(For less than full truckloads of containerized waste)
Chemical Packing 800.444.4244
Directional Boring Services (Canada) 780.955.7794
Environmental Services 800.444.4244
Field Services 800.645.8265
Household Hazardous Waste 800.444.4244
Industrial Services (Canada) 800.661.6689
Industrial Services (U.S.) 877.215.9730
InSite Services 800.444.4244
Kleen Performance Products 800.525.5739
Lodging Services (Canada) 888.228.2220
Recycling Services 800.444.4244
Safety-Kleen 800.669.5740
Seismic Services (Canada) 403.237.6437
Seismic Services (U.S.) 713.780.0336

As required by the U.S. D.O.T. under the "Hazardous Materials: Security Requirements for Offerors and Transporters of Hazardous Materials" rule, Clean Harbors has fully complied with and met the requirements to enhance the security of hazardous materials and has developed and implemented a security plan and conducted employee training on transportation security.

Clean Harbors Aragonite, Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Clean Harbors Aragonite

Clean Harbors Caribe Services, Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Clean Harbors Caribe Services

Clean Harbors Deer Park, LLC Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Clean Harbors' Deer Park facility

Clean Harbors Disposal Services, Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Clean Harbors Disposal Services

Clean Harbors El Dorado LLC Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Clean Harbors El Dorado

Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Clean Harbors Environmental Services

Clean Harbors Exploration Services, Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Clean Harbors Exploration Services

Clean Harbors, Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Clean Harbors, Inc.

Clean Harbors San Jose LLC Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Clean Harbors San Jose

Clean Harbors Surface Rentals USA, Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Clean Harbors Surface Rentals

Cyn Oil Corporation Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification 
Primarily for use by direct customers of Cyn Oil Corporation

DFW Waste Oil Service, Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of DFW Waste Oil Service

Emerald Services, Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Emerald Services

ERTS LLC Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of ERTS

HEPACO LLC Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of HEPACO

HPC Industrial Group LLC Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification 
Primarily for use by direct customers of HPC Industrial Group

HPC Industrial Services LLC Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification 
Primarily for use by direct customers of HPC Industrial Services

Industrial Service Oil Company, Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Industrial Service Oil

Murphy's Waste Oil Co. Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification 
Primarily for use by direct customers of Murphy's Waste Oil

Noble Oil Services Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification 
Primarily for use by direct customers of Noble Oil Services

PSC Industrial Outsourcing LP Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification 
Primarily for use by direct customers of PSC Industrial Outsourcing LP

Rosemead Oil Products, Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Rosemead Oil Products

Safety-Kleen of California, Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Safety-Kleen of California

Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Safety-Kleen

Service Chemical, LLC Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Service Chemical

Synergy Hydrocarbon Recovery, LLC Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Synergy Hydrocarbon Recovery

Synergy Recycling, LLC Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Synergy Recycling

Thermo Fluids, Inc. Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Thermo Fluids

Thompson Industrial Services, LLC Form W-9 Tax ID# and Certification
Primarily for use by direct customers of Thompson Industrial Services


Clean Harbors is committed to continuous improvement programs dedicated to controlling our costs in order to provide our customers with the high-quality service they expect. However, rising fuel and energy costs as well as environmental insurance and security costs continue to escalate beyond our normal operating costs. The rising fuel and energy costs include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

  • Fossil fuel and natural gas to operate our hazardous waste incinerators
  • Diesel fuel for the Clean Harbors transportation fleet
  • Diesel fuel for subcontracted transporters
  • Rail and marine transportation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste
  • Fuel for heavy equipment at our landfills
  • Gasoline costs to run smaller work vehicles
  • Transportation costs to deliver treatment reagents to our landfills, wastewater treatment facilities and other locations
  • Fuel for forklifts at our plants
  • Utilities at our 100+ locations across North America
  • Delivery costs of products and supplies we use to run our business
  • Travel and transportation costs for our sales and service personnel

To ensure we can continue to offer high-quality service, we apply a variable recovery fee to our invoices. The variable recovery fee is comprised of four components: a fixed 2.0% charge for insurance; a fixed 1.0% charge for security costs; a fixed 0.5% charge for tolls and a variable charge for Energy costs that is revised monthly based on the national average diesel prices from the U.S. Energy Information Administration or the Natural Resources Canada depending on the customers location. The recovery fee is applied to the entire invoice and is broken out separately. The charge for energy costs is set on the first Wednesday of the month based on data from the above mentioned entities.  This data is publicly available and uses objective indexes that are widely recognized in the hazardous waste transportation and disposal industry. The energy fee is determined from the following tables:

 U.S. Standard Recovery Fee Table

Canada Standard Recovery Fee Table

An additional 0.5 percent will apply for each $0.10 increase in diesel cost above $5.00/gal.  The rate for energy costs will change (up or down) if the average price of diesel has changed from the previous range for a period of more than two out of the previous three weeks.  The new rate will apply with invoices cut the following Monday.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How is the fee applied to an invoice?
A: The fee is applied to the entire invoice excluding sales tax, and will be broken out separately in our pricing structure. Because these costs are above our normal cost of operations, our intention is to pass only these extraordinary costs on to our customers.

Q: Why are we charging the fee?
A: Cost pressures in our industry continue to be volatile. Some of these costs, such as energy for our facilities and vehicles, fuel surcharges from our transportation providers, insurance costs and enhanced security levels at our facilities, have escalated beyond our normal operating costs. Recovering these costs is vital to our ability to operate profitably.

Q: What makes up the security portion of the fee?
A: The security portion of the fee is 1.0 percent and is made up of additional costs that Clean Harbors incurs to maintain heightened security at our facilities and for our transportation fleet. Regulations such as the Patriot Act have increased, and Homeland Security measures have been instituted which have driven up our costs.

Clean Harbors has implemented a security program that requires employee background checks and 24-hour surveillance at all facilities and operating procedures that are costly. Key points about our security:

  • Hazardous waste companies must ensure high levels of security
  • Customers require that all employees have background checks
  • All trucks must now use secured truck stops
  • Visitors in plants must be accompanied by plant personnel or security

We also incur additional costs to operate our transportation fleet due to an increase in road stops and checks. We are considered a greater risk to Homeland Security because we transport hazardous waste; therefore, our trucks are stopped more frequently for roadside checks. The time spent at these checks directly increases our cost of transportation.

Furthermore, all employees are now subject to background checks. We must pay an outside agency to complete these thorough checks. These are direct costs we incur to maintain security.

Q: What makes up the insurance portion of the fee?
A: The insurance portion of the fee is 2.0 percent and is made up of additional insurance costs we incur for higher property insurance rates. As a result of billions of dollars of claims, the insurance industry has passed along much of the expense in the form of a rate increase.

Q: Will my recovery fee go down if the national average price of diesel goes down?
A: Yes. Since the energy portion of the recovery fee is variable and structured on a sliding scale, as the national average price of diesel goes down, the recovery fee will be reduced. The rate for energy costs will change if the average price of diesel has changed from the previous range for a period of more than two out of the previous three weeks. The new rate will apply with invoices cut the following Monday.


California Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017

Due to the California Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (CARRA), the cost of fuel has increased significantly in the state of California.  Since July 1, 2018, Clean Harbors has implemented a CARRA fee to cover these added costs. This fee applies to California generator locations only.

To simplify matters and comply with the law, Clean Harbors is implementing a 2.5% increase on full service, transportation and disposal invoices. If a customer only uses Clean Harbors for transportation, their increase will be 6%.

United States Holidays Observed - 2025

Wednesday - January 1

New Year's Day

Monday - February 17

Presidents Day

Monday - May 26

Memorial Day

Friday, July 4

Independence Day

Monday - August 11

Victory Day (Rhode Island Employees Only)

Monday - September 1

Labor Day

Thursday - November 27

Thanksgiving Day

Friday - November 28

Day After Thanksgiving

Wednesday - December 24

Christmas Eve Day

Thursday - December 25

Christmas Day

Canada Holidays Observed

Wednesday, January 1

New Year's Day

Thursday, January 2

Day After New Year's Day (Quebec)

Monday, February 17

Family Day (British Columbia)

Friday, April 18

Good Friday

Monday, May 19

Victoria Day

Tuesday, June 24

St. Jean Baptiste Day (Quebec)

Tuesday, July 1

Canada Day

Monday, August 4

Civic Holiday (except Quebec)

Monday, September 1

Labour Day

Tuesday, September 30

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

Monday, October 13

Thanksgiving Day

Tuesday, November 11

Remembrance Day (except Ontario, Quebec)

Wednesday, December 24

Day Before Christmas Day

Thursday, December 25

Christmas Day

Friday, December 26

Boxing Day

Wednesday, December 31

New Year's Eve (Ontario, Quebec)


Your environmental resource for vital United States and Canada regulatory information, industry updates and environmental news to help you better manage your environmental affairs.

U.S. Environmental Links

U.S. EPA Home Page

Envirobiz U.S. & International Environmental Information Network

Energy and Environment Division of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

EPA Design for the Environment (DFE)

Hazardous Waste Clean-Up Information (CLU-IN)

EPA Hazardous Waste Home Page

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

U.S. Departments of Energy & Defense Links

DOE Energy Information, Products, and Programs

DOD Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP)

U.S. State Environmental Agency Links




New Mexico

South Dakota




New York





North Carolina





North Dakota





















West Virginia



New Hampshire

Rhode Island




New Jersey

South Carolina


Facility Compliance Audits

2022 Compliance Audit - Clean Harbors of Connecticut, Inc.

2023 Compliance Audit - Clean Harbors of Connecticut, Inc.

2024 Compliance Audit - Clean Harbors of Connecticut, Inc.


Canada Environmental Links

Environment Canada

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Environment and Conservation

Government of Prince Edward Island Environment, Energy and Forestry

Nova Scotia Environment and Labour

Government of New Brunswick - Department of Environment

The Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs (Français)

The Ministère du Développement durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs (English)

Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE)

Manitoba Conservation

Nature and the Environment - Government of Saskatchewan

Alberta Environment

Province of British Columbia - Ministry of the Environment