Deer Trail Landfill Facility

Deer Trail Landfill Facility

Clean Harbors
108555 East Highway 36
Deer Trail, CO 80105
United States

Phone Number
Sited on 325 acres of a 5,700-acre plot about 65 miles east of Denver, the Deer Trail facility serves generators in Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and New Mexico. It can accept a wide range of waste, and specializes in oxidizers, acids, bases, cyanides, sulfides and some acute toxics, as well as low-level radioactive waste (NORM, TENORM). Deer Trail also offers state-of-the-future monitoring and treatment technologies, a stabilization/treatment unit, an in-house laboratory and a 6,000-drum storage capacity that assure maximum environmental protection. Additionally, this RCRA-permitted facility has been described by the EPA as the nation’s premier hazardous waste landfill, and is located within the best geological and hydrogeological environment in the country.