PFAS Sampling and Testing

Trained PFAS Sampling Technicians

Clean Harbors is well versed in the sampling and analysis of PFAS compounds for businesses. We guide our clients through the process of testing, data analysis, treatment and final deposition of waste. Clean Harbors also provides field sampling for businesses to determine PFAS concentrations in water or soil. Our trained and experienced field technicians take representative samples and coordinate their delivery adhering to the strictest chain-of-custody procedures and protocols. Clean Harbors provides comprehensive analysis of PFAS samples for businesses through our network of laboratories, including our newly certified PFAS analysis laboratory.

Analysis Methods

PFAS analysis methods offered to businesses through our sampling and analysis program include:

  • EPA Method 537.1 (drinking water)
  • EPA Method 533 (drinking water)
  • EPA Method 1633 (wastewater, soils, solids)
  • 537m (wastewater, soils, solids)

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