Remediation Services

Clean Harbors Remediation Services handle large-scale, complex site cleanup projects and environmental construction needs for the public and private sectors. We can remediate any location to meet corporate or regulatory cleanup requirements.
Clean Harbors provides comprehensive on-site Remediation Services for a plant or facility expansion, an idled facility or a decommissioned process. If you are closing a process, a building or an expansive facility in order to sell the property, remediating a brownfield or repurposing property, Clean Harbors has the solution.
- Coke oven dismantlement and closure
- Landfill construction, capping and collection systems
- In situ, ex situ treatment
- Soil solidification, stabilization
- Excavation and disposal
- Decontamination, decommissioning, demolition
- Integrated remediation systems construction and management
- Hazardous and special waste management
- Manufactured gas plant remediation
- Mining site remediation
- Groundwater remediation
- Sediments remediation
- Remedial systems configurations for site-specific cleanup criteria
- Refinery projects
Whatever your remediation needs, Clean Harbors has the manpower, enviromental equipment and expertise to not only get the job done but also exceed expectations.